Visual Arts Teacher, Candice Hall
Ms. Hall joined Davidsen in 2022 and has been teaching art since 2002. She teaches 7th and 8th grade art as well art for access points students at Davidsen. In addition to teaching art, Ms. Hall has been an instructional mentor and coach on the district level. Ms. Hall is a graduate of the Unversity of South Florida.
Visual Art 1 (6th Grade)
Students are introduced to the building blocks of visual language learning essential skills and techniques required to make and explore art. The work of artists like Marisol, Mondrian, and Vermeer will be part of their learning curriculum.
Exploring 2D and 3D Art (7th Grade)
In their second year, students who elect Visual Arts will explore art making beyond pen and paper, venturing into three dimentional art like sculpting and building. While creating their own projects, students will learn about the work of Alexander Calder, Andy Warhol, Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali , and George Segal.
Visual Art 2 and Visual Art 3 (8th Grade by invitation)
Eight graders who show high interest and effort will continue their art learning in an invitation only environment where they will be encouraged to create and explore in a direction of their choice.
Displays and Contests
Davidsen art students enter work in local and national contests.
We participate in the Dali Contest, Scholastic Art and Writing Contest, and many others appropriate for their level. Student work is also regularly and proudly displayed in areas throughout the middle school campus to be seen by other students and visitors.
Students love taking art at Davidsen because while they work independently, they can also discuss their ideas and plans with other student artists, and have a place to share their creations. They also love having access to the interesting media and tools we provide in the classroom. Young people greatly benefit from making art because they practice creative problem solving, learn to think outside of the box, appreciate and give constructive criticism, and most importantly, they get to experience that wonderful feeling of personal success that comes with creating art.
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In the Halls
follow Davidsen Visual Arts for current events, schedule updates, and pictures!